My grandmother, Geneva Louise Self, passed away 9 years ago today at the age of 78 years. She was born April 24, 1920. She was buried on January 20, 1999, 30 years to the day after her husband, Charles Lawson Self died. He was born January 13, 1913 and died January 20, 1969 at the age of 56. Lawson and Geneva married on May 12, 1944. He was 31 and she was 24.
Geneva was the daughter of Joseph Isaiah White and Sarah Ida Mae Millsaps White. The picture I am posting with this story was found among her personal things about a year after she passed away. I never saw it while she was living. When I first saw it, I was amazed at the picture. She looked so young! She was so young when the picture was taken. We figure it was taken before she married, so she would have been in her 20’s. I never thought about her ever being young when I was growing up. I guess it is something all grandchildren do. We assume our grandparents have always been old. The fact is they were once young too. This picture has been special to me since mamaw died. It reminds me of the way I picture her now, in death. I believe she is young again. I believe her body is no longer falling apart. I like to think of people as being youthful in heaven. Maybe they are and maybe they are not. It makes me feel better to think of them as being youthful. I hope they are anyway. I am sure immortal souls do not age, so even if she is still 78 after being in heaven for 9 years, this is good too. I still miss her. I probably always will.
Geneva was the daughter of Joseph Isaiah White and Sarah Ida Mae Millsaps White. The picture I am posting with this story was found among her personal things about a year after she passed away. I never saw it while she was living. When I first saw it, I was amazed at the picture. She looked so young! She was so young when the picture was taken. We figure it was taken before she married, so she would have been in her 20’s. I never thought about her ever being young when I was growing up. I guess it is something all grandchildren do. We assume our grandparents have always been old. The fact is they were once young too. This picture has been special to me since mamaw died. It reminds me of the way I picture her now, in death. I believe she is young again. I believe her body is no longer falling apart. I like to think of people as being youthful in heaven. Maybe they are and maybe they are not. It makes me feel better to think of them as being youthful. I hope they are anyway. I am sure immortal souls do not age, so even if she is still 78 after being in heaven for 9 years, this is good too. I still miss her. I probably always will.
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