Barry's Genealogy Diary

This online genealogical diary is hosted by Barry T. Self. It is primarily for information pertaining to the SELF surname, more particularly for descendants of John J. and Lydia Avaline Waters Self, who were married in Union County, GA in 1851. Barry Self is the SELF proclaimed family genealogist and historian, having spent over 20 years researching this Self line. This diary is dedicated to preserving and sharing the findings of his research.

My Photo
Location: Madisonville, Tennessee, United States

I am married to a wonderful and sweet wife, Svitlana, who is from Ukraine and we have a beautiful daughter, Lydia Elizabeth. I have worked in the funeral business since 1988 and thoroughly enjoy researching my family roots.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


This past Sunday, our church observed an old-timers day. It was a first for our congregation and everyone enjoyed it very much. I just have to share a couple pictures with you all. It was a hot day and Svitlana commented that she wondered how the real old-timers would have been able to stand the heat, dressed in such clothing, without air conditioning. She got hot. So did Lydia. I only wore a bow tie and a long sleeve, white shirt, so I was not too uncomfortable. Someone asked me why I did not dress like an undertaker. Well, I could not find a coat with tails and a hat like Abraham Lincoln wore or I probably would have.

I got to thinking about our ancectors and how much differently they did have to live than we do today. It makes me grateful to have so many modern conveniences. I would hate to think I had to "rough- it" and make do like folks did 100 years ago. That way of life was all they knew, so I am sure they were as happy as we are today, maybe even happier. The one picture is of Svitlana, Lydia and I and the other is of Svitlana only. She could not keep from smiling, even though she was instructed at one point that in the old days, people did not smile for a picture. (She probably would have had she been alive back then, for she smiles all the time.) I wonder if this would not be a good theme to use for a family reunion sometime. Everyone could dress up and come in attire similar to what our ancestors would have worn to a reunion 100 years ago. That might be fun. It would probably be a good idea to have such a gathering in the fall, when it is cooler, so the women folk would not get so hot.